Reverend X RAZMA : President
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Raised Lithuanian Catholic, Razma has always felt the contrast been Lithuania being the last pagan stronghold of Europe and the attempts at syncretism, despite King Mindaugas, the first to baptize the animist nation, still worshipping the ‘old Gods’. Razma admires the honoring of plants, animals, and the cycle of the year that occurs within the Lithuanian pagan revival religion of Romuva and seeks to translate these frameworks for a wider audience. Studying transpersonal somatic therapy at a graduate level, Razma realized that our spiritual institutions could evolve into a more accessible, integrated, embodied community catharsis culture and that we need to create modern rituals and forms of worship for the challenges of our time.
Jessica Sharp : Treasurer
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Rebecca Wilo Fabrizio : Secretary
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Wilo grew up Jewish and pagan. She has studied the alchemical arts of graphic design and obtained a merit-based scholarship degree in Product Design and Fashion at Academy of Art University. A perpetual student of the mystery, Wilo has apprentices with powerful orders to immerse herself in the practice of ritual, the occult, and initiation extensively. She is currently enrolled in two Shamanic Arts courses.